
The CODEP School is a special place. As a Blue Ribbon school, it is producing young people with a solid education. We particularly noticed the school’s rigor as we worked with the first class in the Reforestation Mentoring program. The recently graduated proteges had curiosity and a good array of science and communications skills.

For me, personally, it is a special place. In my earlier years in Haiti when I was part of building the school, I met lots of kiddos. Two of them were Lionel and Kevinson. I’m so glad I took a photo of them back then!


I saw them recently and took updated photos (see below). You can see how they have matured. Such competent and responsible young men.

For years we have done our best to support the CODEP School. We make a monthly contribution, and two Animators spend a day at the school every week to inspire students and share CODEP’s reforestation stories and techniques. Please know your contributions are a precious means for creating CODEP’s future.

Michael Anello
Executive Director

