Over the last few years, Bill Hathaway, our long serving Board Chair, has repeatedly arranged for me to visit the Wilmington Friends School in Delaware. I have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions with seventh graders. It is such an interesting point of comparison to talk with students in a highly academic Quaker school and to think about the CODEP school in Haiti. In each case, the students are bright, hardworking, and eager to engage in the world.
On my last visit, I spent some time explaining that Haiti has been exploited for years and while it’s helpful to send relief support, we are working on making change that is deeper and more lasting. I also made the point that everyone can help with that work – even if they can only give a penny.
After the session, a girl came up to ask a question. As we spoke, she extended her hand and gave me a penny. “You said that even a penny would help.”
It’s true. The reason that even a penny matters is that it is the act of giving that truly matters. Even the smallest demonstrations of interest put a spark of energy into the system. If a child shows that she cares, we are all challenged to join her. And what a difference that makes.
Michael Anello
Executive Director