
One of the most precious parts of my work in the last few years has been founding and developing our mentoring program. I was drawn to this as I realized that the CODEP leadership team is aging and has many lessons to pass on. It has also been apparent that CODEP’s reforestation work is deeply embedded in this community, and it behooves us to be sure there is a new generation of people to lead it forward.


The program has been wildly successful (In My Humble Opinion)! The graduates are impressive, already contributing in ways well beyond their years and experience.

Therefore, I needed to find someone who could pitch in on the program going forward, especially as I now need to spend more time in the States. VOILA! We found Benou Sejour. It actually wasn’t hard to spot him. He is an agronomy graduate of the University of Fondwa with a passion for the environment. His Facebook page overflows with green links and articles. His picture (below) conveys his intensity and commitment.

Benou will be working with Guito, an Animator who has worked with me on the mentoring program. Benou’s first big project will be to document the curriculum. Now that we’ve tried various lessons and projects, we need to set the program so that it promises a clear set of skills and experiences. This effort will also signal in yet another way that CODEP is here to stay, and its Reforestation Mentoring Program is rigorous and ongoing.

Keep it happening, Benou.

Michael Anello

Executive Director