How Much Does a Tree Grow in 30 Years?
Every child knows that by counting the rings of wood, you can estimate the age of a tree. CODEP folks started planting trees over 30 years ago. We know their age but it remains a thrill to measure their growth – whether by “feet” or inches.
Wood Availability = Economic Activity
For over three decades our CODEP partners in Haiti have been reforesting their mountainsides in order to anchor the soil, assure clean water, protect gardens from the harsh sun, and provide food. Now there is further benefit to be realized, namely harvesting wood to be used for lumber, products for the market, and furniture.
Careful sustainable harvesting rules are in place. When a tree is cut down, five are planted as replacements, assuring wood will be available for small business ventures into the future.
Gorgeous Coffee Table for CODEP Guest House Gathering Room
Richly Polished Wooden Plate
Solid Bunk Beds in the Guest House Annex