
People who talk with me regularly hear all too often about my frustration with the banking system in Haiti. I am sorry to complain but it does set one’s teeth on edge.

During the three weeks after I returned to Haiti in June, I went to the bank EIGHTEEN times. Why? I needed to take out money to pay the nearly 750 CODEP folks. But, due to the economic upheavals we’re living through, withdrawals are limited to $500 per day!

I often wonder what I could be doing if I weren’t standing in line. I could lead a class. I could research sources for organic fertilizer. I could write a blog about what would boost tree growth. I could visit nurseries to learn about the issues of the season. I could start planning for another class of proteges.

But, no. Living in Haiti means coping with roadblocks – figuratively and literally. It is the immense spirit of the CODEP people and their pride in their trees that keep me going – well, er, standing – in line.

Michael Anello, Executive Director

One thing to do while standing in a bank line is monitor exchange rates on line.

One thing to do while standing in a bank line is monitor exchange rates on line.