
The Reforestation Mentoring Program has been quite a success. One of the reasons is that the proteges have been eager, hardworking, and very talented.

Nevertheless, there is one stand-out in the group, Barbarah Cenard. I told you about Barbarah over a year ago:

She can name more trees than anyone else in the program.
She has eight siblings.
She loves to sew.
She preferred French and math in school.
The Animators see this and more. Her performance in the program has been stellar, always above and beyond. As a result, they believe she should go on to an agricultural college, and they will support that.

Truth be told, I’m not at all sure they have the funds to do so as they would come out of their less-than-flush CODEP related earnings. But, in Haiti we believe in miracles. However it unfolds, it is already a testament that they see this young woman as a future leader for their reforestation efforts and dreams.

Barbarah is just The Best.

Michael Anello, Executive Director

PS: She came with her mother to the guest house last week and we told her the news. How great is life that you get to be part of something like that!

The proud moment includes:

Bastien (Animator), Barbarah, Carlo (Animator), and Mdm. Swany (Barbarah's mother)

The proud moment includes:

Bastien (Animator), Barbarah, Carlo (Animator), and Mdm. Swany (Barbarah’s mother)