
Floods are a shocking enough experience. Yet, once the shock and drama are over, the real work begins. Here are a couple snaps of the aftermath.

Michael Anello, Ex Director

PS: Share our story! Forward this email to five others. We’d appreciate it.


The Water Mark: We are reminded every time we leave the guesthouse that the water really was “That High!”. We’re not sure we have the energy to scrub the outside wall and, frankly, it’s another way to keep a diary of the experience.

Real work

Tending to the Depot: Up the mountain at the CODEP Depot, the new mentoring class worked in relays of wheelbarrows to clear the driveway.

mud remains

The Mud Remains: The mud that was in the floodwater silted all over the place. And, now it has dried … and crackled.


Tearing It All Out: The kitchen cabinets at the guesthouse show what water damage is like. Job One is tearing them out, and then we will have to rebuild and replace. What a mess!


If you look closely, you will see that the walls and door posts are quite clean. Friends showed up right after the flood and labored to scrub down the place. I have never been so grateful!