
Our Reforestation Mentoring Program was launched last year ago. We interviewed and accepted 11 young people, and the program has been in full gear ever since. Early on, two participants left the program because of a poor fit. We will learn from that experience as we interview candidates in the future.

Recently one of the gals has told me she is pulling out — over halfway through the course.

I would have expected to be crushed but, actually, I’m quite delighted. She is going to nursing school and hopes to return to work in the community with those skills. We had a good long talk, and she told me that she has always wanted to be a nurse. When she finished high school, however, she didn’t have the confidence to apply to a medical program. Being a protege in our program taught her a huge amount, gave her a sense of pride to be part of an industrious team, and boosted her confidence and assurance. She decided, Yes, I can! She applied and was accepted as a nursing student.

She leaves us in order to tend to the health of people in the community. She will carry a deep sense of CODEP’s work in restoring the environmental health of her community. It’s a win-win.

You can pick her out in the picture with some of her protege mates. She’s the one with the blue hat.

Michael Anello, Executive Director
