In the midst of these dark times in Haiti, we have been boosted in spirit and hope. Last week we celebrated the first class to complete the Haiti Reforestation Mentoring Program. We recognized nine terrific young people who have hung in there and proved their worth as the charter class.

You can’t imagine how special this was for them, for CODEP, and for me. Our crazy idea of enrolling a group of CODEP School graduates into a vigorous program of both book and hands-on learning about reforestation has become an accomplishment. I am so proud – so over the top PROUD – of each one of them.

The actual event was lovely. They gave little speeches. We prayed. We sang. We handed out certificates. We shared in a celebration meal. People took pictures.

I will share some individual stories in subsequent blogs. Right now I’m just bursting with admiration, gladness, warmth, a little relief, and much more. The program was always a risk. We had to find funding. We had to create curriculum. Students had to learn to focus. We poured sweat and muscle into the Depot grounds to create gardens. We found speakers in these chaotic times. It happened. It worked. Whoo hoo.

Michael Anello, Executive Director

The First Class in the Reforestation Mentoring Program Receives Certificates

The First Class in the Reforestation Mentoring Program Receives Certificates