The Latest from Haiti Reforestation PartnershipRoller skating into our hearts
I bought a pair of roller skates back from the States.
The Passing of Venus Cerant
It is with a heavy heart we share the news.
Haitians are Watching World Events
Haitians are watching events in Ukraine.
Tucking A Nursery In
Finding space for nurseries in a near vertical environment.
Setting the Record Straight
Fantastically precise about tree planting efforts.
Eggplant Galore!
Barely two months from seed to table.
Welcome Evens Robert
A new staff person to lead the mentoring program.
Freedom Soup and UNESCO
To celebrate the New Year in Haiti everyone – EVERYONE – eats a rich pumpkin soup…
Long Nights
This is the time of year when days shorten and nights grow long.
The Numbers Are in For November
How Does the Number 294,000 Sound?
Where I Find Hope
Haiti is the country where I have lived and worked for the past 10 years, and it is falling apart around me.
A Measuring Tool
My Thanksgiving came early this year with a Biltmore Stick!
The Passing of Edvy Durandice
With great sorrow I am writing to share the news of the death of Edvy Durandice.
On The Porch
I am currently back in the US after a complicated trip and planning process.
It Was Just A Quick Snack
It was a pretty hot day last July.
Oh! No! What Happened to the Seedlings?
We were all shocked that someone had ripped out seedlings.
The Proteges Take a Break
The earthquake has dominated the news but it has not dominated everything.
This is the Plan for Delivering Aid
Early this morning we packed a truck of medical and relief supplies.
Those With Little Now Have Nothing
We went to assess the situation in Les Cayes.
What Can I Do?
Many are asking, “What Can I Do?”
Another Earthquake
It’s too early to get much news.
Out and In: My Trip to the US
There’s a reason you haven’t heard from me recently.
Digging Deep During Crisis
By now everyone has seen the headlines: Haiti is in a state of siege following the assassination of President Moise.
The Visiting Veterinarian
Reforestation here in Haiti has to be done with one eye on animals. Feral goats threaten new seedlings so folks are vigilant about protecting new plantings.